Silent Dee


Get to know us !


Our mission


Have fun without disturbing others !


Silent Dee's mission is to offer a fun, different and original experience while respecting the environment and the neighborhood.


Who are we ?


We are a small company from Sherbrooke formed of a few passionate and imaginative employees who wish to bring more diversity to its city and surroundings.




Owner and founder of Silent Dee, Patrick P. noticed the concept of silent discos during a trip to Ireland in 2014. Finding the concept very inventive, he wanted to import it to Sherbrooke for the benefit of his friends and the whole community.


Our history

Establishment of the company.





Interested? Do not hesitate to contact us!


We are always pleased to hear from you. Tell us your suggestions, projects, etc. To send us pictures or videos, please use the address at the bottom of the page or visit our Facebook page.



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